Friday, June 29, 2012

Carry the One Radio

I recently joined a UCSF Neuroscience initiative called Carry the One Radio, a series of 10 minute long interviews with scientists from various backgrounds and institutions. Started two years ago by fellow graduate student Sama Ahmed, Carry the One aims to get high school and college students interested in science through relaying a scientist's story about he or she got interested in science, and "the one" project that creates the fire in their belly. I'm co-hosting the show with Sama, and we're now posting episodes on the web every month. This month, Sama talks to Cori Bargmann, a professor at the Rockefeller University and investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Dr.Bargmann studies the neuronal circuitry underyling animal behavior using the humble worm, C.elegans, as a model system. She has also been featured on the Charlie Rose Brain Series and The New York Times. 

The website is still under construction, but please check out the latest episode here!:

Please also check out the Facebook page at:

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